Echoview Software

Specialised Equipment and Services

Brett Merritt

Phone: +61 (0) 3 6231 5588


Echoview Software are experts in hydroacoustic science and software.

The company’s flagship product, Echoview®, is the world’s premier software package for hydroacoustic data processing; facilitating the visualisation and analysis of data files recorded by an unrivalled range of echosounders and sonars.

Echoview’s capabilities are a key tool in underwater research, enabling easy and accurate insights into fine-scale behaviour, ecosystem-level monitoring, stock assessment, habitat classification, and ecological studies of fish, plankton, vegetation, and marine mammals.

Echoview is viewed as the industry standard by fisheries scientists, aquatic ecologists and environmental managers who need to monitor, understand, and manage marine and freshwater environments. With customers in over 65 countries, the company collaborates with governments, scientists, commercial fishing companies, and non-government organisations globally to support the understanding of aquatic resources.

Echoview Software was established in 1995 and has been used by the Antarctic research community for the entirety of this period. Echoview continues to be used by Australian and international scientists as a critical tool for ongoing research into Antarctic and Southern Ocean ecosystems.