About Us

The Tasmanian Polar Network was incorporated in 1999 and has more than 70 members drawn from all areas of the Tasmanian Antarctic community including private business, educational institutions, research bodies and government agencies.

TPN members are able to provide a wide-range of specialised goods and services to all organisations operating in the Southern Ocean and in Antarctica.

The TPN is an independent body but enjoys strong bi-partisan, political support.

The TPN’s vision is for Tasmania to be the world’s leading hub of excellence for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean sector.

The TPN’s mission is to strengthen, promote and grow Tasmania’s business, education, training and research expertise in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean sector.

The TPN draws its funding from member subscriptions and an annual grant from the Tasmanian Government through Antarctic Tasmania in the Department of State Growth, which provides a permanent secretariat for the TPN. The TPN has a role in advising the Tasmanian Government on issues relating to the sector.​

The TPN’s strategic direction is managed by an eight member TPN Executive Committee who represent the members.  The executive is appointed annually at the AGM which is held in September.

The TPN committee meet four to six times a year and their role is to guide the strategic direction of the network.

They report to members at general meetings. Committee members promote and represent the members of the network to the Antarctic community both nationally and internationally.

As an incorporated body the TPN Is required to comply with its Rules of Association.