Antarctic book launch – Igloo Ripples
November 2022 marks the 40th anniversary of the Australian Antarctic Division’s first order for a fibreglass Igloo from the late Malcolm Wallhead, original designer and manufacturer. Dubbed the ‘Apple Hut’ because it was ‘round, red and made in Tasmania’, these pre-fabricated, insulated fibreglass cabins have been purchased by polar institutes and other organisations in 18 countries, mostly for use in Antarctica.
To mark this occasion, Anthea Wallhead, former General Manager of Icewall One, has written a book called ‘Igloo Ripples’, due to be launched at Fullers Bookshop in Hobart on November 10, 2022. Contact Fullers if you are interested in attending. The book is based on the diaries which Malcolm and Anthea kept, recording every Igloo sale and its original purchaser. Now available in Hobart bookstores, the book is also available online from
Icewall One is now part of Penguin Composites’ group of businesses and Anthea operates as a sole trader more involved in Igloo archives and the book.